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TecnoCommerce Memberships (With Assistance)


  • This is an Assisted Plan. That means we help you set up your platform and upload the initial content as outlined below in the Included Additional Services.

Additional information

Paso 2:

Paso 1.2: Por favor seleccione el pre-diseño a utilizar en su portal web. Ingrese en la Galería de Prediseños haciendo clic AQUÍ, revise todas las opciones disponibles, seleccione la que más se adapte a su caso y luego copie y pegue el Código del Pre-Diseño a continuación:

Paso 3:

Paso 1.3: Ahora lo guiaremos en la escogencia del Nombre de Dominio asignado y luego del plan de hosting. Por favor comience seleccionando la opción deseada en el siguiente selector:

TecnoCommerce Memberships

TecnoCommerce Memberships (With Assistance) – Electronic Commerce. This e-commerce option is ideal for companies that need to control access to the content or services they provide under the membership payment method. It is then possible to obtain a membership management solution completely integrated with your content and/or products.


In this sense, selling membership access includes product purchases, manually assigning memberships, and integrating members-only benefits into your business model.


With the TecnoCommerce Memberships platform for Electronic Commerce of Memberships, you will be able to create and manage a web portal with access control to premium content. Only available for those who register as members, paying a membership for it.


At the same time, you can have a catalog of products associated with the membership levels and make them available to members for purchase on specific dates. This is also possible with content so that you can provide content or products under the drip concept.


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